India | Andrew Hood
After a busy few months showing his work at art fairs both in London and abroad, Andrew Hood is back in the studio embarking on a new series of paintings inspired by the sights and sounds from his travels around India a few years ago. This particular trip marked a pivotal moment in Andrew’s painting practice, so we caught up with him to find out more about his memories of India and get a first look at some of the new works.

Market Place Delhi | 95x95cm | Oil
What motivates you to get back into the studio after the art fairs?
It can be difficult finding fresh motivation after a show or an art fair so I don't push myself too hard initially. It's funny but often during a show I have ideas about creating a new body of work. I think it's because I can see the collection of paintings in its entirety, giving me a good opportunity to analyse it. I can then think about how I can improve, what I can change and which direction to go in next.

Street Scene India
You’re currently making work based on a trip to India a few years back - what was it about this trip that has stayed with you and continues to inspire you?
I visited India a good while back now but the trip has always stayed with me. One reason being that it was the first time that I ever sketched from a high vantage point looking down at the landscape and passers-by below. I was staying in Paharganj, New Delhi, a lively neighbourhood where the smell of incense and street food hangs heavy in the air. From the hotel roof you could see the labyrinth of narrow streets crammed full with shops overflowing with brightly coloured textiles, as well as the higgledy piggledy roof tops of the city and the surrounding district. It was a fantastic sight, especially at dusk. It’s one of the most incredible places in the world; non-stop bustle and excitement, and the intense colours and smells stay with you forever.

White Hotel Paharganj | 95x95cm | Oil

Delhi Bazaar | 95x95cm | Oil
How are you approaching this new body of work?
I have many sketches and photographs from my time in India that I am re-visiting now. I'm looking at creating new compositions and colour palettes and adding more abstract elements to the pieces. I've used some old photographs as a starting point for some of my new sketches, though this time I'm trying to rearrange certain elements, such as changing the perspective and composition. This in itself is quite a challenge.

New Delhi II
See more of Andrew's new paintings here, and if you'd like to make an enquiry about any of the works please don't hesitate to get in touch.
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