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Elaine Jones

Coastlines - Italy & Greece

Recent Sketches

Elaine Jones lives in Bristol and has been painting professionally since she graduated from Loughborough University in 1998. Her work is exhibited throughout the UK as well as in Ireland and Holland.

Elaine has attracted an impressive following for her distinctive, often ethereal landscapes that transport the viewer to remote, uninhabited places with wild and extreme climates. She has journeyed around the world finding inspiration in diversity and contrasts, from the jungle terrain of Central America to the glaciers of the Arctic.


Whilst her oil paint compositions evoke the feel of a particular location, they are not direct representations but rather organic abstractions that seem to evolve and change depending on her surrounding environment and the ever changing light. By placing an element of control alongside the accidental Elaine allows geometrically straight lines to play with splashes of colour, poured paint and loose brushwork.

“I think the paint is more important for me than where a painting is of. While some of them are obviously a landscape or a seascape, many of them are much more abstract. When I am working on the floor and moving paint around, I let it do its own thing to a certain degree – it’s the paint itself which dictates the painting, rather than the landscape. I add and take away paint as time goes on, and enjoy not knowing how it’s going to turn out. I think this is why I like working on a series of paintings at once: I will be working on one, then have an idea which I can paint into another.”

Contact us here if you would like to enquire or purchase any artwork.

Interviews and Articles

Andrew Hood, artist studio, Bristol artist, contemporary gallery
Andrew Hood, artist studio, Bristol artist, contemporary gallery
Andrew Hood, artist studio, Bristol artist, contemporary gallery
Andrew Hood, artist studio, Bristol artist, contemporary gallery

Books and Films

Andrew Hood, artist studio, Bristol artist, contemporary gallery
Andrew Hood, artist studio, Bristol artist, contemporary gallery
Andrew Hood, artist studio, Bristol artist, contemporary gallery
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